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Kit schrieb am 3. Januar 2017 um 16:10:
My family and I absolutely loved Andrea's Nashmarket tour and the dinner we cooked! The food was absolutely delicious, clearly one of our best meals in Vienna. She is also incredibly knowledgeable about Vienna and our conversation was informative and fascinating. This evening was truly a highlight of our trip!
Terence schrieb am 11. Oktober 2016 um 7:24:
My girlfriend and I were visiting Vienna for the first time and boy, Andrea was without a doubt the highlight of our trip! We were used to cooking on a daily basis in Japan but it is a whole different ball game than European cooking. We had wooden drop lids, chopsticks, and no ovens. Andrea graciously showed us how to prepare an artichoke when I told her we have never had it during our Naschmarkt tour. She allowed us to experience things beyond just cooking. She showed us amazing hospitality, knowledge, and most importantly warmth. By the time it was all over, we had spent 8 hours together and we almost missed our flight back to Japan! (Although it would have been totally worth it even if we had missed it). We highly recommend Andrea as the most wonderful host, guide, and friend in Vienna.
Katelin schrieb am 23. September 2016 um 16:05:
My family and I did a Vienna Cooking Tour during our visit to this beautiful city in December. Our guide, Andrea, was knowledgeable, hospitable, and so much fun to be with. She knew so much about cooking and how food and cooking played a role in the Viennese culture. We got to go shopping and do tastings at the local food market and then cooked four traditional Viennese dishes. It was our fondest memory of our travels in Vienna. It really gave me a different perspective on the culture and I learned how to cook at the same time!
Anne Marie Gold schrieb am 26. Juni 2016 um 15:05:
I spent a wonderful day with Andrea exploring the Naschmarkt, cooking a marvelous meal at her lovely apartment and then sitting down to enjoy it - suddenly nearly six hours had passed. At the market Andrea knew the best stalls to stop at and we were welcomed with open arms and tastes of everything - smoked boar, pecorino, fruit vinegars - all were delicious. If I had visited by myself I would never have gotten as much out of it. Back at her lovely apartment overlooking the canal, we talked, laughed and cooked - marvelous cucumber salad, salad with arugula and figs, Wiener schnitzel and apricot strudel to die for. Andrea is a delight to spend time with, knowledgeable about food and cooking, a world multi-lingual world traveler. If you're going to be visiting Vienna and want to spend a day enmeshed in the world of Austrian food and cooking, you can do no better than Andrea and Vienna Cooking Tours.
Morgane schrieb am 1. Juni 2016 um 15:02:
I was organizing the Christmas party of a corporate group of 30 people in Vienna in December. We spent a fantastic evening in a beautiful, cozy, intimate cooking studio booked by Andrea in her neighborhood. Andrea has been very helpful from the first contact we had on the phone: she speaks fluently German, English and French (at least!). She even offered to organize the bus for our group to go from the Naschmarkt to the cooking studio and during this transfer, she gave us a quick city tour with information on the main monuments of Vienna. People really enjoyed this special evening and despite a technical issue with the sound system - we had a great, entertaining and even dancing time! The food was just delicious 🙂 and I even re-used the soup recipe of Andrea for cooking my own Christmas family dinner: I had a great success!!! A BIG THANK YOU to Andrea and her fantastic lovely team!
Judy Matevich schrieb am 2. April 2016 um 15:03:
Andrea and her Naschtmarkt shopping/cooking class are FANTASTIC! We ate our way through the market and then prepared Wiener Schnitzel with all of the accompaniments (including wine). We had the best time...Andrea is quite the wonderful hostess and storyteller who could entertain anyone. I can't imagine how this day could have been any better. Danke schön, Andrea!
Kristi schrieb am 24. August 2015 um 15:00:
My husband and I spent the day with Andrea in June 2015 and had a wonderful time! We always try to do a cooking class with a local when we travel and emailing and making arrangements in advance was easy. She was very accommodating with our food preferences (I don't eat beef so veal was out) and planned for pork schnizel, but by the time we had spent 2 weeks in central europe, we were schnitzeled out, so she kindly changed the menu a few days before our appointment. We made an amazing crispy pork neck, and from our emails, she knew we loved white asparagus and went above and beyond to find some fresh in the Naschmarket so we could make soup and oven grilled. We also made delish apple strudel. We loved that she could translate at the Naschmarket so we got to try some wonderful cheeses, vinegars and the "best pickles ever" that we bought and saved for our plane ride picnic home! Not only the cooking and all the tasting/eating was great, but so was the conversation! Andrea is very knowledgable about the world and history, and was truly a pleasure to now call her our friend. When we come back to Vienna, we will definitely do another day with her (and Pretty)!
Bernard schrieb am 20. Februar 2015 um 19:56:
A couple of friends an me did THE cooking tour. We met Andrea on the traditional food market and she took us shopping for our first Wiener Shnitzel and a full Austrian dinner. I was great to learn all the funny stories about Vienna, the market, the people and the food and the different ways to use it in the kitchen (at least for a bachelor). Later we were cocking all together which was really great fun and finally got us a very distinguished 3 course meal, very enjoyable for everyone. Andrea has done a great job to introduce us to Austrian kitchen and cooking - I think thats the best way to experience Vienna and Austrian cuisine. I would certainly do it again 🙂
Peter Gomori schrieb am 4. März 2014 um 12:27:
If it is true that one will never get close enough to a country's, a nation's or a city's soul by learning about her history, architecture and general looks - without taking a thorough, introspective look of WHAT THEY EAT, then learning the hidden and subtle desires and stolen pleasures of the Viennese is done best by going to the source: the Naschmarkt, or "nibble" market. A plethora of stands with a million colors, smells and tastes, this is the Mecca of the accomplished food lover. And if you need guidance - Andrea is the perfect chaperone! She is not only extremely knowledgable, pleasant and well connected with the market's multinational vendors - she also genuinely LOVES good food, and therefore her hunter's instincts will lead you, too, near exciting finds! A sweet surprise: both her cooking course and the Naschmarkt!!